Friday, February 26, 2010

A Visit to the Beer Sage

Have trouble telling a Porter from a Stout?

Confused about why a logger would be found in a bottle?

Well still thy heart beer drinker. The Beer Stop's a place that will set your mind at ease.

When you visit ask for Alan. If he's around, engage him in some conversation about beer--he's as knowledgeable about beer as Webster was to words and always willing to guide, explore your tastes, and help pick out something new that will tickle your palate.

And whether it's just a can of Steel Reserve to steel your nerves before going home to the wife and kids, or a bottle of Terrapin Hopsecutioner that you stash away for when you hunker down for the coming storm, or a bottle of Serpent's Stout to take on your next church outing, chances are the Beer Stop has it.

The wisdom of a beer sage, a wide selection of single beers, sixes, and cases, and a convenient location in southern Luzerne County.

A win-win-win.

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