Monday, March 23, 2009

Believe Me When I Tell You!

A lot of what I read, especially about personal finance, consists of articles online that seek to convince me that something is true or false. For example check out these headlines from actual articles: Five Stock Market Mistakes to Avoid Now! or When Your Stock Price Drops, What Happens to the Money? or this one: The Perils of Herding to Cash.

When I see a headline like this, the first thing I always ask myself is who wrote this and/or what does this company do, what are they interested in (put bluntly, how do they make their money), or who are they aligned with or working for? Funny thing is that I was not always this way.

While I'm all-in in terms of the free exchange of ideas, I do weigh who's expressing these ideas as I read them.

Is objectivity lost? Was it ever there? Is it important or not?

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