Friday, January 11, 2008

My take on cellaring

Problem: I don't really have enough space to brew as comfortably as I'd like. I do have the pharaoh of a spare refigerator to lager, the kitchen sink, etc., but wouldn't it be nice if I had my own dedicated, home brewery? Solution: I have been thinking of digging down another level in my basement--a cellar if you will, below the grade of the basement floor. Why? Well, for one, it would be a nice cool temperature down there where I can cellar beer the old-fashioned way. Two: it would give me space where I could keep all of my brewing stuff and not clutter up my bar area. Three: it could serve as armegeddon sheltering for when the nasty germs/evil terrorists/government comes a calling. It would have a hidden trap door and a ladder to climb down, to save space of course. I'd make it oh, 8x8 or 10x10. I'd have to put some supports to hold up the slab overhead but that should be a piece of cake. You know, I do have mining in my blood--I was wondering when it was going to manifest itself and it looks like it has. I would have to run some electricity down there. If I located it properly relative to the other facilities in the basement, I could put in a nice deep sink and pump the drain output up to the basement draining system--perhaps into the bar sink drain. Imminently doable. And as has been uttered before: ``Make it so number one.''

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